Task Forces

The Task Force concept provides an innovative, action-oriented, on-going plan to guide the work of the district in more effectively proclaiming the Gospel. This organizational structure is comprised of seven task forces, designed to specifically impact the issues of greatest importance to congregations and organizations.

Task Force 1: Church Planting

Deacon Harrison Oellrich, Chair

The Church Planting and Evangelism Task Force exists to be an advocate for existing new starts/new ministries in the AD-LCMS, proactively discerning their needs and encouraging their flourishing. This task force also exists to advise the AD-LCMS staff and Board of Directors on the allocation of funds to new starts and missions to ensure a vibrant, entrepreneurial approach to church planting and evangelism.

Task Force 2: Revitalization and Leadership Development

The Rev. Vic Nelson, Chair

Members of this task force have a heart for evangelism, strategic planning, helping congregations assimilate new members, managing record keeping and telemarketing. They are available to provide individual consultation to congregations in these areas.

Task Force 3: Parish Support & Financial Management Task Force

The Parish Support and Financial Management Task Force assists congregations, the district and ministries with using God's gifts. PS&FM offers congregations training in Quickbooks accounting software, asset management, a seminar for church workers to help them manage their finances.

We also make recommendations and annually evaluate salary guidelines for district pastors and teachers. Property assessments and consultation for building and renovating are also available.

Volunteers who have skills in these areas are welcome:

  • Management
  • Strewardship
  • Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Financial analysis
  • Experience teaching people to use financial management software

Task Force 4: Education

The Rev. Robert Boehler: Chair

Task Force: 5 Youth

DCE Chris Boccaluppo, Chair

Task Force 6: Communications

Dcs. Raquel Rojas, Chair

This task force fosters effective communications between entities in the district through the AD website and via email and fax distribution lists. It is also available to assist congregations with web page design, marketing skills, and commonly used church software. They have been a sponsor of Parish Media Training.

  • Communications Resources
  • The Official Stylebook of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (A guide to style, grammar, and other communication matters)

Task Force 7: Health & Human Care Task Force

Mrs. Kate Gonzalez, Chair

Task Force 7 focuses on the ministry of Chaplains, Church Worker Health, Health & Human Care Agencies and Parish Health Ministries.

Task Force 8: Disaster Relief

The Rev. Thomas Cusanelli, Chair

Task Force 8 focuses on Disaster Relief: domestic, national and international.

Task Force 9: Evangelism

This task force is focusing on equipping pastors and laity in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through your everyday vocation. They are seeking ways to equip others to share Jesus through the relationships that have already been established.