Annual Reporting
Annual Reporting
Per synod bylaw, candidate and emeritus rostered church workers are required to provide certain information to their district to maintain their status.
Atlantic District Emeriti and Candidrates can complete this reporting online.
2.11 Continued Eligibility of Individual Members
Active Members
2.11.1 To remain on the roster of the Synod as an active member, an ordained or commissioned minister of religion must be a communicant member of a congregation which is a member of the Synod (except as provided in paragraph [c] below) and be regularly performing the duties of one of the following:
- (a) An ordained or commissioned minister serving a congregation of the Synod.
- (b) An ordained or commissioned minister serving an educational institution (an “association school”) solely governed by congregations of the Synod and recognized by a district of the Synod. (c) An ordained or commissioned minister serving a congregation that is not a member of the Synod, as approved (on the basis of policies adopted by the Council of Presidents) by the president of the district in which the congregation is located.
- (d) An officer, executive, or professional staff member of the Synod, district, or other agency of the Synod.
- (e) An executive or professional staff member serving a national inter-Lutheran entity referred to in Bylaw 1.3.8.
- (f) A missionary serving under a call by the Synod, including a call by a district.
- (g) A person serving on the faculty or professional staff of an educational institution of the Synod. (h) A military or institutional chaplain endorsed by the Synod.
- (i) A person serving in a specialized ministry endorsed by the Synod or by one of its districts.
- (j) An executive or professional staff member called or appointed by an auxiliary (Bylaw section 6.1) or recognized service organization (Bylaw section 6.2).
Inactive Members
2.11.2 Inactive members may be retained as members of the Synod.
- (a) As such, they have all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of individual membership in the Synod as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Synod.
- (b) To remain on the roster of the Synod as an inactive member, an ordained or commissioned minister of religion must be a communicant member in good standing of a congregation which is a member of the Synod and must qualify and make application for one of the following categories.
- (c) A member whose active service terminates while awaiting installation to another accepted call to active service shall be retained on the roster as if holding candidate status.
- (d) A member whose active service terminates without prior acceptance of another call to active service has 30 days, if ordained, and 120 days, if commissioned, to apply for inactive status (candidate or emeritus, as appropriate). Should inactive status not be applied for within said period, membership in the Synod is forfeited.
- (e) The district president shall act on all applications within 90 days.
- (f) A member may seek to reverse a denial of emeritus or candidate status, whether initial or continuing, by application for reinstatement to the roster of the Synod (Bylaw 2.18.1).
Emeritus An “emeritus” member is one whose membership is held for retention on the roster upon retirement after reaching the age of 55 or for reasons of total and permanent disability. Any unusual case shall be decided by the Council of Presidents if the appropriate district president so requests.
- (a) The emeritus member or a representative identified by his district president shall, by January 31, make an annual report to the member’s district president.
- (b) This report shall include current contact information and address the criteria for remaining an inactive member of the Synod.
Candidate A “candidate” member is one who is eligible to perform the duties of any of the offices of ministry specified in Bylaw section 2.11 but who is not currently an active member or an emeritus member.
- (a) A candidate may be continued on the roster for a period not to exceed ten years by act of the president of the district through which the person holds membership. A candidate may be further continued on the roster for periods of five years at a time upon recommendation of the applicant’s district president and approval of three fourths (75%) of the Council of Presidents.
- (b) The candidate shall, by July 31, make an annual report to the district president who shall determine the member’s eligibility to remain on candidate status. The candidate’s report shall include current contact information and address the criteria for remaining on candidate status.
- (c) The district president shall determine whether or not to grant or, upon annual review, continue candidate status based on the following criteria:
- (1) The member’s health;
- (2) The member’s efforts to address any unresolved issues involving fitness for ministry;
- (3) The member’s current involvement in ministry; and
- (4) The member’s written statement addressing any impediments to consideration and acceptance of a call to any of the offices of ministry specified in Bylaw section 2.11; and
- (5) The member’s cooperation in keeping personnel documents up to date.