Pastor Patrick Singh and Trinity
Pastor Patrick Singh and Trinity
Since 2011, Pr. Patrick Singh has been working faithfully, welcoming every person walking through the doors of Trinity Lutheran Church. This has not always been easy. With demographics rapidly changing in Schenectady, New York, the church membership has become a true melting pot of cultures and languages.
Posted on Apr 22, 2022
Since 2011, Pr. Patrick Singh has been working faithfully, welcoming every person walking through the doors of Trinity Lutheran Church. This has not always been easy. With demographics rapidly changing in Schenectady, New York, the church membership has become a true melting pot of cultures and languages.
Asking Pr. Singh what difficulties he faces leading a church with so many diverse ethnicities, he responded, “You must respect all cultures and not take anything personally. One culture may offer you a cup of coffee and place to rest, while another culture may be more stand-offish. Our methods of reaching each culture can bend as long as we remain firm and secure on the Word of God.”
Trinity holds two services each Sunday: a traditional liturgical service at 9 a.m., and a contemporary service at 11:30 a.m. Sunday attendance seems to be holding steady at about 75% of pre-pandemic numbers. Fervent prayers continue for all members to return to in-person worship as soon as possible.
Over the course of the past ten years, some changes have been made, including the installation of projection screens and the inclusion of various musical instruments with the addition of a contemporary worship service. Have these changes been easy? No, not at all. But these changes have been well worth the effort.
What makes Trinity such a special place to worship? One person could be drawn to the many diverse cultures of their congregants. Or maybe Pr. Singh recognized one of your God-given gifts and encouraged you to use that gift in the service of Jesus Christ. Or maybe, just maybe, a seed was planted at a basketball game.
When Pr. Singh stepped into his role at Trinity, he immediately realized the absolute necessity of beginning a youth program. All segments of life are crucial to a healthy church. Older members impart wisdom and are usually able to provide steady financial support of the building and the staff. Middle-aged members are important to help maintain the church building and its functions, sort of the “worker bees” of the congregation. And the youth — from birth, through Sunday School and Confirmation classes — ensure the future of the church.
Pr. Singh firmly believes when you build on the strength of the youth, the work of God will continue. When asked how he engages young members, Pr. Singh tells them, “This is your ministry. You bring your friends. YOU tell them about Jesus.” Pr. Singh added, “You never know. A Thursday night basketball game just might be someone’s Sunday morning. Plant the seed and then ask God to let it grow.” It’s obviously working since the cricket and basketball games played on their outside lot have been gaining great attention of the surrounding local community.
Some years back, an immigrant family from Guyana needed a recommendation. They were told to visit Pr. Singh who gladly agreed to meet them. As the family walked into his office, their son noticed a small statue Pr. Singh had on his desk. Being an inquisitive young boy, he began to ask many questions. His embarrassed mother tried to quiet her
son, but Pr. Singh patiently explained what the cross means, who Jesus is, and why this sculpture was on his desk.
Why is story so important? They were Hindus.
As the family was leaving the office, the mother asked Pr. Singh to pray for them. He did so immediately but was then asked also to pray for them at their home. The entire family are now active members of Trinity Lutheran Church!
Every Tuesday evening Trinity hosts a hybrid Prayer and Bible Study. This in-person and online conferencing session currently has anywhere from 15 to 20 attendees, all studying and praying together with the study reaching as far as India, Australia, and Jamaica — and I don’t mean Queens!
As Trinity grows, so do the needs of the people. From young people trying to navigate life, to counseling parents, to addressing health issues and dealing with personal financial hardships — all these struggles require faith in God to help get through them. Pr. Singh recognizes and cares for as many people as he can, but the need for additional trained leaders to assist with these needs is more than evident.
In addition to the need for leadership training, Trinity also could use updated technology, new computers, and additional musical instruments. Pr. Singh says, “Raising up young people as leaders of the church is what God wants. This way, no matter who the Pastor may be, they can take the ball and run with it.” Additional funding for these purposes can be difficult to attain. But over and over again, Pr. Singh said, “God has always provided for Trinity, and He will continue to do so.”
When doubts begin to assail Pr. Singh, he returns his focus to God and remembers:
- Little Millie, an 8-year-old girl who will pray whenever asked;
- Daniel, now a young man who’s faith in Jesus began with a question about a statue;
- All the young men and women who have grown in faith just because they liked to play basketball;
- He is humbly grateful as he remembers the love and support he has received from his wife and children.
And then Pr. Singh boldly proclaims, “Trinity Lutheran Church of Schenectady, New York, is here to stay!”
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