Fink Scholarship Fund
"Engage the World with the Gospel of Hope!"
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Churchworker Scholarship Fund
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Rev. Dr. Ronald F. Fink Memorial Education Scholarship
The Rev. Dr. Ronald F. Fink Memorial Educational Scholarship Fund helps us educate future church leaders...
Sisters and Brothers in Christ!
Grace, mercy and peace to you in Jesus!
We live in an extraordinary time. The pace of change has not slowed but seems to have increased. The assumptions held by many are being challenged. The comfort of people in this world has shifted. Questions abound. The role and importance of the church has shifted in the eyes of some.
Jesus words from Matthew 9 continually come to mind, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
This world needs Jesus. This world needs people trained and energized to share the message of His life, death and resurrection. The people of this world need to hear the timeless message of the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
As we look forward to the needs of our church and strive to share the message of Jesus Christ. Please consider helping support a student as they prepare to face these challenges. They are responding to the call for laborers for the harvest. You can join and support them as they become laborers for this mission field.
The Rev. Dr. Ronald F. Fink Memorial Educational Scholarship Fund helps us educate future church leaders for the field of today and tomorrow. Your dollars support Lutheran Teachers; Deaconesses; Seminary Students; Alternate Route Pastors (Ethnic Institute in Theology, & Specific Ministry Program); and other people entering th mission field around us. I pray that you are moved to join us by making a gift to help these young people reach their goal of serving the church. The entire church body will be all the stronger for it. Please take a moment and prayerfully consider making a gift of $100, $200 or however God moves you to help.
May God guide you as you prayerfully consider how you might play your part in the life of a young student studying to assist the church in reaching out with the Gospel.
Peace and Joy,
Rev. Derek Lecakes
President/Bishop of the Atlantic District-LCMS
Contact Us
The Atlantic District
1385 Broadway, Fl 12
New York, NY, 10028
Call: 914.337.5700